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Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Reader

  1. Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf

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Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf

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On the other hand, they also still pray to the Omnissiah and try to respect machine spirits when advantageous. Alpha Legion (at least this warband) see the Emperor as a great leader, and the pinnacle of human condition. They see the current imperium as a glaring hypocrisy towards His vision and as a morally reprehensible regime of blind faith slaving humanity.

And they are kinda right, mind you, they know also all about Chaos and the gods of chaos (they have been living inside the Eye of Terror for centuries) and proactively avoid their 'gifts' and abhor mutation. They honestly think they have a moral high ground and an mysterious obligation (stemming from their Primarchs) to fight the current Imperium because of it.